Thursday, December 27, 2007

Beneficial Tradition (continued)

Bennett's Scrappy Rail Fence

Toby's Scrappy Stars

More quilt photos... blogger didn't like me uploading too many at a time so I'm splitting them up into several posts.

Beneficial traditions, to me, are those things that are passed from generation to generation, having some usefulness in the process as well as the final result. Doing things together, having stories & memories attached to the doing, and having an end result are all pieces the activity. Some of my families food-centered beneficial traditions are: Date Balls & Needhams, Date Filled Sugar Cookies, Porcupine Meatballs, Grammie Randall's Pork Pie. My family has a history of spinning wool, knitting mittens, making quilts. New traditions evolve over the years as we try out new crafts and activities, always sharing them with other members of the family.

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