Monday, July 02, 2007

Reel du Grandpere

I arrived home this evening tired and g-r-u-m-p-y from a long day at work. What to do? I can't quit my day job, even though there are hundreds of other things I'd like to be doing. Actually I usually like my job, but lately it's been a little too much pressure, too much stress, too many things to do.
I had a hard time settling in this evening. Finally, I decided to look at my Grandpa's diaries.... by reading all the entries for July 2. Want to know what I found out?
In 1965, my grandparents took my Uncle Tom and his family to Bailey Island for lunch and lobster.... Lobster & clam feeds were a big part of my memories of childhood, but I mostly remember them taking place at our house.
1966, my grandpa helped my Uncle Tom on his new house all day
1964 found the price of 4”x3/8” machine bolts at $.10 a piece
1968 my grandfather had a yearling cow moose for company most of the day
In 1969, the Poli's came to visit... that would be my Aunt Joan and Uncle Babe... I think they came from New York or New Jersey?
In 1960 my dad hit his leg with an axe and broke it (his leg, not the axe)
1959 found me, my mom and dad visiting my grandparents (this was right before my sister Deb was born, little did I know how much I'd have to share my parents after that!)
So, these are some of the highlights of my grandfather's journal entries. He recorded the temperature and barometer readings, as well as the general weather conditions of each day. It amazes me that he had the commitment to do this, especially when I sometimes go for days (or even a week?) without posting a blog entry! My grandfather was a pretty cool guy... If this is interesting information to any of you out there, let me know... I'll post another "day in the life" of my grandpa...
Reel du Grandpere comes from the Portland Collection, Volume Two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it!