Monday, May 09, 2005

Fiddling Around

Anyone out there into old time music or contra dancing? Richard and I are both committing to fiddling more... We have been doing some nice melody/harmony mixes at home and have been practicing with Fiddle-icious, a group of fiddlers and other musicians that meet in Falmouth a couple times a month... There's also a Celtic jam that meets here in Augusta monthly, and we are on the lookout for other local opportunities to play music with small or large groups... Fiddle Camp in Montville is happening again this year over Father's Day weekend this year and we're planing to attend... Oh, just for the record, I'm not sure how many of you may know that Richard and I actually got to know each other at Fiddle Camp in 1999... We had met and danced at contradances before that but it was really at Fiddle Camp that we established a friendship... Let us know if you are interested in this type of music or in contradancing/ square dancing/ folk dancing at all... There are lots of exciting opportunities to experience all this and more!

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