Friday, September 14, 2007

Lannigan's Ball

It's just about the end of the garden season, and my mom had a big basket of tomatoes to share. Along with what we got from our own garden I was able to juice and cook down over 20 pints of tomato sauce! In the past, I've frozen in bags but today I decided I'd can. I dug out my assortment of Ball, Atlas and Mason jars and my All-American canner and spent about 7 hours processing! It feels really good though to see all those jars lined up... we'll be happy to have it when we want to make spaghetti sauce or chili or anything else that requires a tomato sauce base.

As I was finishing up in the kitchen, I heard some funny noises from out in the yard. Investigation revealed a bunch of turkeys, young and old. They'd been out in the garden scavenging whatever is left, which isn't much! I've brought in the basil, potting them and putting them in the greenhouse. Tomatoes are just about finished, just a few more green ones. We got a few last cucumbers and a squash, and there are some carrots. Not a highly productive garden, but lots of fun which is the best reason for doing it at all.

Lannigan's Ball comes from the New England Fiddler's Repertoire... I'm going to go play it now!


Fiddler said...

I played Lannigan's Ball, and realized I've played it before... Not a tune that is strong in my repertoire, but a nice little jig all the same... I think I'll try to play it more often!

MaGreen said...

i am for some reason terrifeid of canning. i always do the freeze thing. one day, though, i figure my mom will come down and get me going. she cans every year.