Monday, January 02, 2006

Knock on Wood

I spent a good part of the day getting all our business books in order, updating files and generating reports! I have a good time doing it once I set myself to the task. What is hard sometimes is just getting going because in my mind I need to clear my little corner of the world of distractions like chores, hobbies, etc. Do I have Adult Attention Deficit Disorder as I am getting older? Hmmm, that would be a really good excuse! Anyway, it's all ready for the accountant to review, and hopefully, knock on wood, it will be complete for his needs. That will mean I've got a good handle on Quickbooks and am ready to start the new year's bookkeeping. I've been looking for a Quickbooks workshop where I can really learn all the ins and outs of the program. What does knock on wood mean anyway? I think it's a way of wishing for good luck, but does anyone out there know where the term came from?

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Will you come to my house and get me in order for taxes? I have everything mostly organized...:-) As for "knocking on wood", I have no idea where the jargon came from...I know of the song "Knock on Wood"...(Laughing). Spammie, you crack me up! That's what I love about you.