Sunday, January 20, 2008

Close Friends

This afternoon found these fiddlers sharing their home with family and close friends as we celebrated the engagement of Erin and Bryan. Thanks to Jen for helping with all the preparations yesterday, and to all the kids and Avery for final touches in presenting everything today. We enjoyed bright sunshine, good foods, great conversation and company throughout the afternoon. The Patriot's football game this afternoon only added to the excitement as we all kept an eye & ear to the television to stay in tune with their performance... they will definitely be at the Super Bowl this year!
Close Friends is a dance that keeps everyone in close contact with their neighbors as well as their partners... kind of like our party this afternoon that engaged current and not-so-current relatives as well as friends from over the years... reminds us that relationships are about the people and experiences shared rather than the technical on-paper connections we sometimes associate with people.
Close Friends was written by Simone Verheyen.

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