Saturday, January 12, 2008


The sun broke through the morning clouds to give way to a beautiful afternoon. We drove north to Napa valley for wine tasting at several vineyards. I love doing this, it's such a fun way to try some new labels, often finding something unexpected that broadens my limited knowledge and appreciation of wine. My preference is red over white, and full bodied dry over light & sweet. We were not disappointed with the offerings, and our little group of four (Bryan, Erin, E's mom Judy, and myself) made for a lovely day. We brought along our lunch and ate out in the sunshine, a nice change from the clouds and showers most recently experienced here in California. As you can see in the photo, it's a winter landscape with minimal foliage but still warm enough that the grass is green and there are flowers in bloom.

This evening we stayed in, ate pizza and watched Sideways, a great film that takes place in the California wine country.

Merriweather comes from the Portland Collection.

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