Monday, June 04, 2007

Colored Aristocracy

We are still at work restoring computer files and reloading programs, but I'm very happy to say that I'm up and functional again. Richard should have his back in operation today!
The perennial bed is ready to become an explosion of color... yellow and purples. There are also yellow day lilies about to burst. Lilacs have been out, and columbine. Whoever put in this garden in front of the house did a fabulous job, it is a constant flow of colors from now til fall. This year there seem to be more buds than last year, perhaps due to different weather conditions and possibly from the time and attention it's gotten :)
The rainy weather gave opportunity to work on music. Tune sets are being worked out for upcoming gigs, including a nice schottische and a hambo for a dance our new group, Foxfire, is playing in New Hampshire next month. We are quite excited about that... it is a big leap for us, having a full three hour program of tunes, but it's a necessary part of our long term goal of organizing a community dance in the Wayne area. We also got to try out some dances, and put together a beginner's dance program.
The flowers in the front garden help to balance out the work we put into the music... I like that word balance, it's a big part of life and dancing!
Colored Aristocracy is from the Fiddler's Fakebook.

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