The moon tonight was beautiful... we were out around 9:30 or so, swimming at the dam about a mile from our house. Richard had gone to the first season's Pizza Jam at the Emporium (where they played fabulous tunes all evening) and I'd had dinner with my sister Deb at a new restaurant in Lewiston (called Fuel). On his way home from the jam, R called me and invited me to meet him at the dam to swim and cool off. It had been over 100'F during the day, and was still 90'F in Lewiston when I left there at 7:45... and a balmy 80'F here at home at 8:45. Now, I know that doesn't sound like much to some of you out there, but for us here in central Maine, THIS IS SUMMER and we must enjoy every ounce of it by basking or swimming :) When we got home from swimming, I noticed the moon... nice and hazy and peeking through the trees.Midnight on the Water is a lovely waltz that you can find many places, including the Waltz Book and the Fakebook.
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