Sunday, November 13, 2005

"Dance All Night"

'Fiddling Around' at the Family Dance is the house band 'Maggie and Friends'. You can see Richard in the white shirt toward the back on the right, and SK in the green shirt on the side. Richard and I are happy to play along with this group, gaining experience and expanding our repertoire. Dancers in the fore ground are doing a circle dance. Interested in trying this out? There's a Family Dance every second Saturday from 6:00-7:30 at the Westcustago Grange in North Yarmouth.

'Green Eyes'... Many members of the Green family assembled at the Westcustago Grange in North Yarmouth last night to join in the celebration of Richard's birthday. Left to right, front row is Derrick, SK, Don, Richard, Betty, and Richard. Back row is Pam, Kathy and Beulah. It was quite a surprise for Richard to see his family at this dance, and a lot of fun for the family to see what this contra dancing thing is all about. Also joining in the festivities were members of the Davis family (not pictured here), Ken and Janet, Kathy, Sam & Jessica, and Deb and Arnie.

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