This is what we're going to have to start wearing now that mud season is upon us. Snow from the last storm is melting as the ground is starting to thaw in the warm sunshine... making for some sloggy, muddy, messy, slippery walking! That's okay, it won't be long before the grass makes another appearance and the flowers start to poke their little heads through. Warm temperatures and rain are predicted for the next day or two, all good for getting rid of the winter's snow. We moved here about a year ago, and there wasn't much snow at all. In fact, if there'd been any snow we probably wouldn't have driven down this dirt road and found this great house... funny how things work out. Scatter the Mud is a great jig from the Portland Collection, volume two... a new favorite of mine.
No mud out here. Come visit!
I think I will... Hmmm, how about in a few weeks?
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