Thursday, November 24, 2005

Run Boy Run

Thanksgiving holds a special tradition for Richard, he has gone for a run every Thanksgiving since 1984! Not to break with traditions, we went out this afternoon to one of many small side bridges that run alongside US Route 1. Years ago, these were the railroad out to Key West. Now the Florida Department of Transportation maintains them for bicycle and foot traffic as well as for fishing.

It was a beautiful day, maybe a little warm for running, but definitely nicer than running in SNOW which is what we hear is going on in Maine!

This picture shows how HAPPY we are that the run is over... we're actually quite pleased with ourselves for getting out and doing this. Thanks to SK for calling and reminding R of this time honored tradition, it's possible he may not have remembered until dark and I wouldn't be back in time to post this (and certainly would not have gotten a photo, haha).
What are your traditions around the Thanksgiving holiday? Post a comment or email me at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look sooo cute! Happy Turkey day!